Sunday, 22 September 2024

A Letter To The President

August 22, 2024

President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.

Malacañang Palace

J.P. Laurel Street San Miguel, Manila 1005


              I hope you are in good terms as you receive this letter. As one of your citizens in the Philippines, I am writing you today with a full heart to express my love for our country. I will also share you my emotions as you are leading our country and being the president of our country.


The responsibility of your presidency weighs heavy on you and first off, I want to acknowledge that. The nation is diverse and complex, and no longer an easy one to lead in these trying times. But, I cannot help but worry about the direction of my homeland. From the outset, we face dilemmas that are due to pressing issues like never seen before. Problems that touch the lives of millions of Filipinos. The mounting economic pressure, social injustices in our communities, and the unresolved issues facing so many in their healthcare and educational needs are but a few of the concerns that keep me up at night.


Yet, I simultaneously cling to hope. I want you to succeed as our President in the worst way. If you were successful we would be successful. But one should keep in mind that for the nation to progress, he / she will have to win the faith and trust of the people.

Sincerely yours,

Nino Christian Rosario


Official Page of President Ferdinand E. Marcos Jr. (2024).

Filipino Might, Rising Through Every Fight

Filipinos are known to be survivors of numerous circumstances and a strong fighter
during desperate situations. We always manage to survive from several untoward incidents,
not only that, we emerge more strongly and even more determined to face whatever odds
may come. These factors, combined with socio-economic issues like poverty, contribute to the country's vulnerability. As a result, the need for a more
resilient Philippines is increasingly urgent.

The Philippines has made significant progress in the areas of disaster risk reduction
and climate action, and now looks to strengthen resilience in response and outcome. These
includes the establishment of early warning systems, it focuses on streamlining local
disaster management and enhancing capacities to detect and forecast early warning
information. Community awareness will be raised through Information, Education, and
Communication (IEC) campaigns, utilizing social and digital platforms to improve risk
knowledge. The government also implemented the Construction of Bunkhouses or
Temporary Shelters Program, which provide temporary or transitional shelters for displaced
families in the absence of any community facility to temporarily shelter them while awaiting
the construction of their damaged shelters. These efforts aim to reduce the loss of lives,
minimize economic damage, and improve recovery processes.


However, several challenges hinder the full resiliency of the Philippines. One major
issue is the weak coordination and collaboration among stakeholders. The current DRRM
structure where authority is shared, responsibility is dispersed and resources are scattered,
renders it difficult to operate an effective emergency management activity. Another is weak
implementation of laws and policies. The lack of governance and weak enforcement of
disaster management-related laws has led to the proliferation of establishments and
informal settlers in low-lying and high-risk areas (no building zones). Addressing and
improving the current DRRM system would make a significant contribution to protecting the
people and national development.



By Ba         Barbara Mae  Dacanay, Bureau Chief. (2018, October 29). Eighth tropical depression to test Filipinos’ spirit of resiliency. Philippines – Gulf News.

BRONSTEIN, P. (2024, March 11). Sustainable Earth: Disasters.; PAULA BRONSTEIN.


My Life’s Canvas



                    Hi everyone, my name is Niño Christian A. Rosario and Currently on my last year as a

junior high school student and just like everyone else, I’m making a blog post about myself

as a requirement for our class 10-ICT. And currently cramming to write the draft in these last

minutes of the class. And now you have a glimpse about myself. Time flies so fast, it still

feels like yesterday when I had my first day as a Grade 7 student. I still remember the first

step I took into the classroom, and the memory still lingers.

Describing myself, I would say I'm a shy individual and often preferring to observe

rather than be the center of attention. But despite my shyness I can be outgoing and socially

confident with my closest friends. I feel more at ease and my playful, adventurous side

comes out. Whether it’s laughing over jokes, going on adventures, or staying up late playing

video games. I cherish every one of these moments of joy and freedom. These interactions

allow me to express my thoughts and ideas openly.

Looking ahead, I see myself pursuing my dream job as an engineer. I’m looking

forward to dive deeper in subjects that will strengthen the foundation for my engineering

career. While in personal aspects, I aspire to become more confident in various aspects of

my life. I aim to push myself out of my comfort zone, whether it’s by participating in clubs or

taking leadership goals. By doing so, I hope to build myself and expand my social circle.



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