Sunday, 22 September 2024

My Life’s Canvas



                    Hi everyone, my name is Niño Christian A. Rosario and Currently on my last year as a

junior high school student and just like everyone else, I’m making a blog post about myself

as a requirement for our class 10-ICT. And currently cramming to write the draft in these last

minutes of the class. And now you have a glimpse about myself. Time flies so fast, it still

feels like yesterday when I had my first day as a Grade 7 student. I still remember the first

step I took into the classroom, and the memory still lingers.

Describing myself, I would say I'm a shy individual and often preferring to observe

rather than be the center of attention. But despite my shyness I can be outgoing and socially

confident with my closest friends. I feel more at ease and my playful, adventurous side

comes out. Whether it’s laughing over jokes, going on adventures, or staying up late playing

video games. I cherish every one of these moments of joy and freedom. These interactions

allow me to express my thoughts and ideas openly.

Looking ahead, I see myself pursuing my dream job as an engineer. I’m looking

forward to dive deeper in subjects that will strengthen the foundation for my engineering

career. While in personal aspects, I aspire to become more confident in various aspects of

my life. I aim to push myself out of my comfort zone, whether it’s by participating in clubs or

taking leadership goals. By doing so, I hope to build myself and expand my social circle.



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